Monday, February 27, 2006


Ok, after a month long hiatus, my non-blogging days are over. And here I am, albeit with a new profile, new profile picture, new web log address (for purposes of pseudo-anonymity.) same old template. (Well, I have no time, creativity and technical skills to create a new template, so I just had to adopt the old skin… which, of course, I like so much.) This is my new temple. Here, I play the role of god.

I guess I’m still out of league, my writing rhythm still hasn’t achieved its natural cadence. But at any rate, I have to rant.

One thing I’ve realized is that I am so resilient. I’m a survivor, for most of the time. You get that down feeling, of brokenness, but you have to learn how to get back on your feet. And mind you, I am fucking emotionally unstable, and such is my Achilles’ heel.

I’m still wondering why I think (and write) like this. As if I’m a quasi-gentlemanly Englishman with Romance accents. Why can’t I be more blasphemous or more insane like some people I know. (For example, KC’s rantings and fiction are so depraved that he can visually depict scenes such as necrophilia, vomit, shredded penises, gunshot wounds and the like. It’s sooo disgusting! His genius lies in the sickening aspect of the human mind. Perhaps, because, it is not in my nature. I may be dark, but not that dark. I, on the other hand, am more influenced by the school of discipline that I am taking up now. Unfeeling, sardonic, passionless, ruthless, devoid of all emotion… and we call it Lex.

Well, lemme see… just to cap up the significant things which happened for the month long absence of mine. Well, there’s the UP Fair, which we didn’t enjoy for some circumstances which would either lead to force majeure or torts and damages. Then there was Metrowalk, seeing several people from high school and college, getting drunk up to five a.m. in a billiard hall. Meeting up with best, whom I haven’t seen in a long, long time. Etc. Etc.

And then there was Badminton. Yes, I am not much an aficionado of the sport, ‘coz it’s the ‘in’ thing. And I don’t do the ‘in’ thing. But what the heck, we just did it for fun. And I liked it. It’s an innovation to level off our incessant alcohol intake coupled with fat and grease every weekend. Next time, we should do tennis, and football or futsal – two a-side – just for fun. Personally, it’s a good change of habit, away from the somnolent solemnity of La Fuckultad.

Haven’t watch movies in a long time, but in this time of turmoil, and due to lack of money, I’d rather stay home. Four days no classes, equals limited allowance. I ain’t about to discuss the political turmoil right now, but as far as I’m concern, I’d rather have the NCR suspension of classes stay for a week longer. Hahaha! The perks of being a student…

Sunday, February 26, 2006

wala lang.

just testing.