Friday, November 17, 2006

Justice Japar Dimaampao is in the U.S. just two days after his return from Egypt. One less subject to worry about until December something...

Upcoming holidays (both Regular and Catholic) makes, in toto, six rest days.

The air is getting cooler every night...

And we officially have a 'Thursday Club' (simply a misnomer, 'cause we do lunch together almost everyday at Tita B's Carinderia along Rosarito st.) comprising of two ex-presidents, a present president, and a Armed Forces Captain, who would be reassigned again to the Presidential Security Guards, errr... Group, come January. During this time, we share military and some state secrets which would aptly fall under the definition of 'executive privilege' (pun intended) and conspiring on how to topple the corruption in and out of the Faculty of Civil Law, perhaps, we may call ourselves Loyalists to our Lord Dean Benipayo, whom we rever as much as how the Thais worship Rama IX.

I officially marked my territory in the Reading Area. I have my own table, bookstand, ceiling fan and seat cushion. The only thing missing is a nice pillow and an espresso machine. Yes, in our world, we have a hierarchy of sorts. In our world, one should know his place in the cosmos. In short...

Thou shalt not anger a Senior.

even worse,

Thou shalt not covet the Row Four seats.


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