two days ain't enuff...
Before anything else, just wanna share with you guys our "organization's" official "crest" Kinda neat... dontcha think?! 

After a somewhat long respite, I’m back to another hectic and mentally constipating week. For the first time in so many weeks, I slept for what I believe is more than 8 hours, albeit the three hour interval, where I spent the wee hours of the morning (dahil naalimpungatan ako) watching TV. It was perfect. I feel like the energizer bunny.
Too bad my energy will last only for the next 15 hours or so.
Too bad my energy will last only for the next 15 hours or so.
I'm back to being the Sovereign Alipin, counsellor, mediator, diplomat, cabinet secretary, and whatchamaccallit.
Oh well, c'est la vie.
Btw, that movie Vendetta (Natali Portman) was terrific. Who would have dreamnt of a Nazi-like England? It can be a possibility many years from now, perhaps, not in our generation, but the story rode with the current world political scenario.
Then you begin to think... what is the real meaning of 'TERRORISM'?
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