Monday, October 08, 2007

The Difference of now and then

Just over two weeks into my vacation, I am becoming restless again. Perhaps, since I spent most of my waking time in Manila, I am becoming allergic to Malabon’s urban daylight. This is hometown, you’re supposed to do nothing here but rest, except if your business, trade or industry is likewise located here, which in my case, is also present. However, I am not managing something which doesn’t need my management.
I spend my days and late nights watching DVDs. I’ve already finished Rome and Gray’s Anatomy. Now, I’m addicted to House. Eventually, I’ll be looking for 3lbs or even E.R. collections. Yes, medical drama is so interesting to me right now. It all sounds so foreign to me and oh so amusing. Many years back, I was so into legal drama and bewildered by common law precepts in Latin. Now, I am obsessed with medical Greek. I already have the first and second season of Grey's Anatomy by the way.
Two weeks ago, going to the mall, wherever it may be, is a simple pleasure even though I’m alone. It was a respite from the recesses of my previous state of existence. One to two hours walking and shopping then back to reality. Now, it seems like a burden. I want to go out, yet my feet are so lazy, nay, my spirit is too. This time, I’m longing for my time in the malls or wherever with good old friends and loved ones. I can no longer spend it alone. There is no more necessity for ‘quiet time’, it’s “noisy time” right now.
This is perhaps my withdrawal syndrome. I miss the action and the drama of law school life. The torture, the pain, the stress. Yes, we were vicious zombies. Point is, for the first time in my quarter century of existence, I am no longer a student, much more, a law student. I am a quasi-lawyer. Quasi means “parang” in vernacular or “Somewhat” in english… short of saying being half-dead and half-alive… in a state of comatose to be more precise.
I haven’t really planned on anything, I reverted back to my old principle of “go with the flow” attitude, however, it doesn’t work right now. Life is so viscous that it only flows about 2 millimeters per hour.
The only thing that I am looking forward to in my immediate calendar of events is Ma Dora coming home after seven or eight years this November. Now, being a bum and all, that would seem like eternity, whilst during the time I was reviewing, the span between March and September was like a wink of the eye. Life passed me by when I was busy. Now, that I am doing nothing, life is still passing me by.
However, my soul is not mottled by such mortifying thoughts. I live life by the day, just like what we did in law school, survive it one day at a time. In the words of Fr. De La Rosa --- “Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift, that is why it is called a PRESENT.”
Better heed my friends’ advices, enjoy this moment, ‘cause once you work, there is no more time for a good long break. (except perhaps those which are legally permissible under labor laws.)
But right now, I'm considering a certain offer in the tertiary education system. Suffice to say, it is in my plan to teach in the undergraduate course. Perhaps, maybe, this opportunity would be a dry run. Shopping and dating money maybe. Godspeed to me.



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